Welcome to my Adventures

The pupose of this Blog is to keep in contact with many good
friends spread out all over the world.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

It's a DOGS life

For many years I have been supporting a number of charitable organizations with not unsubstantial donations. Organizations such as the SPCA (Society for the prevention
of cruelty to animals), Meals on Wheels, Cancer as well as Muscular Dystrophy etc.
However I have stopped all donations a long time ago. When one becomes aware that
large sums of monies are being stolen by employees of such organizations that is
where I draw the line.
It has become a national sport here in South Africa. Everybody, from our top Public
Servants to Supermarket workers are on a massive spree of embezzlement, theft,
on a grand scale.
Even trusted employees abuse that trust by engaging in massive theft. Happened to
one of my largest clients. He was shocked to discover that the worker he trusted
most was selling stolen items to his very own customer, who blew the whistle.

That is the sorry state of the nation. Not a day goes by without reports of massive
corruption being discovered in all of our newspapers.

So Charity starts at home. And I have taken that literally. For years now I feed
my three dogs Roast Chicken every meal. They love it. If I am late too feed them
they let me know in no uncertain terms.
I buy a Roasted Chicken when ever I go shopping so I don't have the hassle of
doing it myself. I used to do it myself but it's not worth the effort if one can
get a ready chicken over the counter.
I also buy them some good pellets from my Vet (the imported variety, don't trust
the local crap any longer).

Vorna Valley Johannesburg

Vorna Valley Johannesburg
I live right in the middle of the picture

My Life Philosophy

My Life Philosophy